2023 - Present
︎Artist-in-Residency | Creative Coding | Data | Performance | Web Development | Exhibition
Institution: Centre d’art contemporain - Les Bains Douch- es, Alençon
Role: Artist, Web Developer
Love Intestive
Press:︎ https://www.cnap.fr/sticky-objects
︎ https://bainsdouches.net/sticky_objects/
A proposal by Marion Vasseur Raluy avec Hélène Carbonnel, cluelesS, Fang Dong, Frieder Haller, Rafael Moreno
Sticky objects
‘Sticky Objects’ aims to revisit the history of objects and their close relationship with emotions by exploring their appearance in the visual arts.
The exhibition focuses on the emotional charge of objects: disgust, attraction, joy, sadness. In this essay, the English sociologist demonstrates how certain objects are assigned to an emotion (happiness or unhappiness), using the example of personal fulfillment through marriage symbolized by a ring. Sarah Ahmed attempts to deconstruct the normative representation of happiness.
In ‘Sticky Objects,’ the elements that make up the exhibition mainly come from the aesthetic vocabulary specific to the performing arts: puppets, set objects, and models occupy the Bains-Douches space.
Love intestine
‘Love Intestine’ has collected data from 100 long-distance love stories. It is a fabric installation made from line graphs that are drawn based on elements such as dis- tance, time, reversals, and subtle relationships in the stories.
The pattern of the installation is generated by programming algorithms (JavaScript) from the data of the collected love stories.
Each set of fabrics, in terms of co- lor, material, and pattern, corresponds to a specific love story.
‘There’s a 6-hour time difference between us. Each time we want to make a call, we need to schedule it ahead of time, otherwise, we can’t connect at all.’
‘I message my boyfriend every day, and we’ve chatted so much on our phones that it feels like we’re sen- ding messages by carrier pigeon.’
‘My boyfriend is just a screen, and it’s my phone that I’m really in love with.’
‘I can never answer his calls; it’s as if we’re dialing disconnected num- bers every day.’
‘I’ve set a special ringtone for her calls, and every time she calls me, I feel like I’ve been electrified.’
‘My girlfriend is in Germany, and sometimes she mixes some Ger- man into our conversations. To better understand her, I also learned German, and by the time I graduated from university, my Ger- man level reached DALF C1. Now, I’m working for a German com- pany...’
#LoveData #TextileInstallation #lovestory #longdistancelove