︎Education 4.0 | Recycling Project
Institution: Collège Aliénor d’Aquitaine
Role: Tutor, Applied Art Teacher
Pack, Unpack
Collège Aliénor d’Aquitaine (Junior high school)
When I was little, I was fascinated watching my mother use a piece of fabric to wrap various objects. Wrapping became for me a symbolic gesture.
The concept of ‘Pack, Repack’ involves learning and experi- menting with different cultures and techniques of fanzines, patterns, colors, and wrapping, thereby enriching our percep- tion of the material world and
opening new dimensions of communication.
Work with 5th and 6th yrs student of Collège Aliénor d’Aquitain, 2h/class, 10h-18/week
- Design and deployment of artistic educational programs
- Skill transmission
- Encouragement of creativity and critical thinking
- Integration of new technologies and social media
- Development and presentation of artistic projects
#Textilefanzine #TextileWrappingTechnique
#Handmade #PatternTechnique
#ColorExperiment #MaterialExperiment
#ColorExperiment #MaterialExperiment

︎Technique & Culture Presentation
(Some) Furoshiki technique, Origami technique, Chinese character history, Pattern technique...

︎Atelier Emballer, Remballer (Pack, unpack)
Recycling, material experiment, technique experiment...
︎Atelier Volume : Under the blue
Recycling, material experiment, technique experiment...

Installation, work showcase...
Installation, work showcase...