Hello, I'm Fang DONG heavyherbe, an artist , creative director and product designer specializing in UIUX and phygital fashion(accessories), as well as a web developer with a passion for creative coding and illustration. Based in France, live and work everywhere.

I have collaborated with various parties across art, tech, education, fashion, and more. My works explore the unexpected, humor, and paradox, merging visual art, coding, and materials, and incorporating craftsmanship and imagery.

4. Vie en 2150

LARP Game Development
Art & Science

8. ReeMoor

Brand Revitalization
Business Development

︎Art Direction | Educational video | Promotional video | Scientific illustration

Client: Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Role: Creative Director, Illustrator

P. aeruginosa

Education Promotional Video of Attenuated Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Programmable Phenotype

Team Detail:

Art Direction: ISN’T STUDIO (Daqiang Liu, PSR, heavyherbe Fang)
Science support: Dr Kim Fan, Dr. Fu Shengwei
Storyboard: Dr.Kim Fan, PSR, heavyherbe Fang
Illustration & Research: heavyherbe Fang
Video director: PSR
Animation: JINlab

Educational video on cancer:
Designing virus and cell avatars in collaboration with scientists, transforming cancer treatment into a comic illustrating surgery and its scientific principles, with over 100,000 views on WeChat, XiaoHongShu (RED), and Bilibili.

#ArtScience #ArtDirection
#Educational #PromotionalVideo  
#ScientificIllustration #Animation #VideoInterview  




︎Storyboard & Script Research

Proposition 1:

Proposition 2:

Proposition 3:


︎Character & Palette Research

Demo 1:

Demo 2:

Demo 3:

Demo 4:


︎Final Video Prototype

© F.D heavyherbe 2024 | Member of Alliance France Design